Tuesday, October 04, 2005


To me, finding a gift is one of the most difficult things to do. Somehow, people relate your intellectual capability to the kinda gift you get. There were a few occasions when I couldn’t come up with a good gift, so I didn’t get a gift at all. Finding a perfect gift is not an ordinary task. There is so much to it. The choice depends on the person whom you are gifting to, his/her importance to you, the occasion, the person’s like, dislikes, the things they already have and of course, your budget, etc, etc. It actually gets tougher from there, you have to find an exciting gift within that tight budget you mentally have come up with. You call your friends, people you know for some gift idea. Invariably, one of the standard suggestions I receive is that of a wrist watch. It seems to be a universal gift choice. Do you think the person who gets the watch is going to be on time every where because he/she now has that other watch? has anyone told you "Thank you for the watch, now that I have two, I am never gonna be late again!!!".

I like this idea of gift certificates. It’s like telling your friend, “hey buddy, I can’t get into these huge malls, walk miles and miles through the aisles trying to find something innovative, something new, something that you don’t have right now, something you would love to have, something which will fit my budget, rather, I am giving you a gift certificate, go get whatever you want and happy birthday!!”. I think we should put the gift voucher in a box, stuff the box, wrap it up and gift it.... trust me, that would be really cool...


Blogger t3hcr said...

Welcome to the blog scene.

Sometimes just spending time -- say at a decent restaurant (you buy of course, *grin*) is a great gift.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'No gifts' worked well for me.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nowadays we hardly think of getting gifts for people. worklife is taking aheavy toll, but i tend to agree with hari, a gift is a good topic to discuss.

6:39 AM  
Blogger whoAmI said...

well said hari. i could not agree better. esp the Wrist watch concept, LOL. t person prob has enough watches to wear on both hands and all legs :)). I think that t gift voucher is an excellent idea. but the best gift of all is spending time with that person and being a friend, when he/she needs u most.

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dei..u r blogs are quite interesting..
the jerry bug seems to have bit u quite a lot...another reason cud be that it has bit me quite a lot (more so over the last couple of weeks.my day is not done without a couple of episodes of seinfeld)!!i always think of jerry doing his stand up bit when i read ur blog...
nice work...keep it coming...

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last part was quite good. Its early morning and I am laughing to myself after reading the last bit. Quite funny. Keep up the good work. Have fun.


2:34 AM  

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